Introducing Roo 🧡
Roo came to us all the way from BC.
Purchasing him set in stone why I want to breed Weims here in Nova Scotia. It is a harrowing experience buying your dog from afar. Not being able to do all the proper checks , never knowing the real open book breeding morals and values. Everything is guesswork , hope and faith that things will turn out OK.
Until I pulled him from his travel crate I really wasn't 100% sure what was arriving.. healthy pup or unhealthy pup, pup with no testicles ( what happened with Cricket last year ) .. a stuffie dog with a 'sucker' note pinned on.. 😬 stressful times my friends. Steeeerrresssful. Insert Ativan here.
Roo, thank the dog goddess ✨ is perfect. The vet papers are REAL. He is healthy , sweet natured and a smart cookie.
Best part.
We have testicles ( I may have peeked for those babies first thing out of the crate )
Moon Weimaraners is in business for next year!!