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Whelping area part one. :)

Writer: Farm MamaFarm Mama

My friend came over and brought her hands! We built together all morning, it was perfect. So much got done and little H enjoyed helping too. My son and his buddy held a roblox party all in the same room which helped keep the energy fun.

A temporary yet solid way to keep pups in one area and kiddos out to give Moon her space ( if she wants space )

I haven't decided on a live edge plank that I can reuse ( I will reuse all this wood once the puppies go home ) or using wood 1x6's I already have..the upright 2x4s are floating.. I used more felt furniture pads for the bottoms to keep from scratching up the floor.

I've been given the tip from friends , who have had the experience of breeding their girl, to make a ledge outwards about 4 inches off the ground that will keep puppies from being squashed when Moon lays against the wall to nurse.

After we took a break , sat down and had some lunch we noticed Moons' belly moving! First puppies from the outside glimpse. Both being mothers ourselves it brought back memories and we were both so excited to watch another mamie and her little loves in action. ❤

The kids are happy for another climbing apparatus 💛



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